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- Welcome to Issue 6 of Channel Z !!
- Yep thats right Issue 6 !!! We've actually made it to 12 months
- of Channel Z !!!
- Although, I can't really say that we are a year old!
- No, next Issue (7) we become a whole year older! as the first issue
- was out on September 1st 1993 (God it does'nt seem that long ago!
- Well, this Issue was yet again late at getting to those that wanted
- it! Not my fault though, My Disk Drive died, then my HardDrive
- crashed, and then to top the lot my Video Chips went down !!!!
- I've had a fun couple of Months, I think not!!!!!
- -----------------------------------------
- Ok, here goes with the usual Greetz and thanx!
- Thanx go out to.....
- AMIGA FORMAT - For the little advert that they put in for me!
- the response from that advert was amazing!
- Thanks lads! its good to see you supporting
- our tiny (compared to yours) Magazine!
- CU AMIGA - Why am I thanking you for continuously saying that
- Channel Z lacks in the Editorial department?
- God this magazine is'nt Grapevine you know!
- After a lengthy survey I listened to what the readers
- wanted and they wanted loads of Utilities and Pictures
- and stuff, with a few nice stories, articles etc.
- I, like you yourselves, want to keep my readers happy,
- so I will put the mag out in a format that they like!
- So, come on! Give me a break and write a review of
- this Magazine that is deserving of the style and
- content, and NOT of because it is'nt as big as
- Grapevine!
- SHANE - For being a constant Headache !
- PAUL B - Ok, the jokes have finished now, Paul is NOT a Mental
- Patient from North Park Mental Hospital, nor is he a
- pain in the backside!
- What he really is is a complete pain in the backside
- and a patient from WEST Park Mental Hospital.
- PAUL H - Thanks for your continued support over the past year!
- Keep those articles coming in, (Ive decided to keep
- on going!!!!!!)
- M.I.M.IV Thanks for the help when things started looking bad!
- Thanks also for all the people who wrote in after they saw the advert
- in AMIGA FORMAT! I've written back to each and every one of you and
- am looking forward to adding your contributions to future issues of
- the Mag !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Greetz go out to............
- Shane Paul Pete Jo Paul B Tony Chris Matt
- Stephen Rudy Kevin Dean Andy Nige
- (and all that I have forgot!)
- If you want to order any of the Public Domain that is featured in
- this issue, or indeed want to order ANY PD from us, write to us at..
- Darren Busby
- Elm Computing
- 46 Cookson Street
- Blackpool
- Lancashire
- FY1 3ED
- (Cheques made payable to ELM COMPUTING)
- or ring on 0253 27104 OR Fax on 0253 20658
- OR you can ring me (Not that you would want to!!) on 0374 687292
- --
- All PD are priced at 1.50 per disk including Post and Package
- our catalogue disk is priced at 1.00 including Post and Package.
- You can still write to me at
- Darren Busby
- Channel Z World Network
- 3 Edelston Road
- Blackpool
- Lancashire
- FY1 3HN
- with your letters and articles and disks etc!!!
- -------------------------
- I'm sure by now you have all heard of Commodores financial troubles,
- Dont worry! is the message from Commodore though as their British
- base is as strong as ever and the Amiga name will NOT die.
- Without worrying you though, if this is the case, WHY did Commodore
- sell its entire stock of A1200's to Dixons at stupid prices?
- I hope to god Commodore don't go down though, Ive had a Commodore
- machine in one form or another since the good old Vic-20.
- Samsung seem to be interested in buying out Commodore if they do go
- down though!
- So all is not lost either way!!!!!
- ---------------------
- Good news comes from Datel Electronics this month. I got a letter from
- Datel Electronics the other morning and they have promised that they
- are developing an Action Replay for the A1200 that should be with us
- soon!!!!!
- Hooray for third party developers! The Amiga may be dying (NOT!)
- but they won't stop developing for it !!
- On a lighter note, I've been getting postcards from people from all
- parts of the World lately so, if you live somewhere nice (or even
- if you don't), send me a postcard, and I'll send you one back from
- good old Sunny (Ha!) Blackpool, with a nice big picture of the
- PEPSI MAX BIG ONE RIDE on it! (You know, the one that keeps breaking
- down and crashing!)
- I've been on the ride and I must say it is well worth it!
- I have been in contact with a fair amount of readers over the past
- few weeks and must say that you should be looking out in the PD world
- for some great new Games and utilities that should be surfacing soon!
- Thats all I'm saying just now, so keep reading to find out more!
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- and now the Top tens for the last few months .......
- A1200 Top Ten Compiled by Gallup
- 1. Ryder Cup Golf
- 2. Brutal Football
- 3. Jurassic Park
- 4. Star Trek
- 5. Alien Breed 2
- 6. Soccer Kid
- 7. Simon The Sorcerer
- 8. Civilization
- 9. Sabre Team
- 10.Sim Life
- AMIGA Top Ten Compiled by Gallup
- 2. Cannon Fodder
- 3. Beaneath a Steel Sky
- 4. Frontier
- 5. Premier Manager 2
- 6. Skidmarks
- 7. The Settlers
- 8. Sensible Soccer
- 9. Sensible Soccer International
- 10.Heimdall 2
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------
- ------
- Dave from Blackpool is still looking for a game entitled TURN IT.
- If you have it and don`t want it, let us know at the usual address!
- (He`s willing to pay for it!)
- Also, (a bit weird for an Amiga Mag this one!) does anyone have
- Elvira or/and James Pond for the PC ??? If you have, or you know
- someone that has, get in touch with us NOW!
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- Don`t forget here at CZWN, we have an A1200 User Group !
- membership is a meagre 4.00 per year and gets you discounts on
- ALL Hardware and Software + Special rates for PD ! You also get
- a quarterly Newsletter and Disk full of New Public domain !!
- So come on, join up now! Send Cheques / Postal Orders (Made payable to
- Darren Busby OR ELM Computing to the usual address ! ! ! ! !
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- More exiting news, we now have over 2 THOUSAND PD Titles as well as
- Fred Fish Disks 1 to 1000(ish) Plus over a thousand Modules and
- about the same amount of samples and clipart !! Also we can now supply
- you with more services than you would ever need ! From File conversion,
- eg IFF Pictures changed to GIF Pictures etc, to PC files swaped onto
- AMIGA Disks (or the other way round!!)
- Just ring (or write) and let us know what you want and we`ll tell you
- how much it will cost!
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Well, I've kept the intro short, because there aint much happening
- is there !?!
- Bye for now !
- Darren.